Female founder: Entrepreneurial and financially independent

EXIST-Women Event

Hochschule Worms, digital30.10.2024 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr
  • Veranstalter: Hochschule Worms
Maximal 15 Frauen, bitte anmelden unter email: gruenden@hs-worms.de

Financially independent women are strong women. Starting a business is a financial challenge and has an impact on financial life planning. Looking to the financial future is important for female founders. Investment provision, retirement planning and long-term financial independence play a central role. The central messages of successful start-up concepts such as the education and investment concept of PaceUp Invest (Rukkayat Kolawole) show that female founders cannot rely on others here, but must take planning into their own hands and think it through.

Aim of the workshop: Forward-looking financial planning for female founders
Speaker: Rukkayat Kolawole, Paceup Invest, Duration: half-day (4h)

Event in english language

Rukkayat Kolawole, Paceup Invest

Marcel MayerProjektleitung GründungsWerkstatt Projektkoordination „R(h)eine Gründungssache“ der HS Worms & HS Ludwigshafen
Stabsbereich Forschung und Transfer
+496241 509-374
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