19.Dez 2023: Pitching Night (WO)

Pitching Night - Turn into a Business Angel for one night

Worms University, D 13819.12.2023 17:00 - 19:00 Uhr
  • Veranstalter: Hochschule Worms

The GründungsWerkstatt of Worms University presents the last GründungsDienstag in the winter semester 2023/24:

Guests: Jury for feedback on the pitches

- Tim Wiedemann, Managing Director IHK Worms
- Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Eric von Wihl, Managing Director of E.W. Neu GmbH, Worms
- Representative of the Investitions- und Strukturbank RLP
- tbd
We cordially invite you to our PITCHING NIGHT. This event is very special, because it is also the final of the entrepreneurship courses of our Startup Professor Michael Graef.

Students' Start-Ups with their business plans from the Master Entrepreneurship course will meet the "Lions" from the "Lions Cave". And as a special, there will be more Startup Teams that will compete in the Hult Prize Idea competition, too. The overarching theme for all contributions is the areas of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and our federal government.

The teams will fight for your money. Each team will have up to 7 Minutes to convince you of their business idea and concept. They will either deserve acknowledgement and investment - or many critical questions!

Become a "Lion" for one night and let out the investor in you!

Marcel MayerProjektleitung GründerWerkstatt Projektkoordination „R(h)eine Gründersache“ der HS Worms & HS Ludwigshafen
Stabsbereich Forschung und Transfer
+496241 509-374
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